Sunday, January 18, 2015


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When I arrived home from work I am not really feelin very well and in the middle of the night I keep throwin up. It was really a terrible flu couple with diarrhea then my wife tried to convince me to take C24/7 I was very skeptics at that time because I don't believe on holistic medication. I always rely on doctors prescription but at that moment I feel so awful so I took 3 capsules dissolves in half glass of warm water which my wife prepared for me.  Immediately in less than 20 mins  I've felt relieved I didn't throw up anymore even my diarrhea subside, I was able to sleep well.When things gets well, It brought me back to my rational thinkin and I realize how other doctors just treat the symptoms and they don't worry the roots or the cause. Then I remember a verse in the bible in Genesis 1:29 '"I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.'Now my belief for holistic healing is so great and God is great he provided different kinds of plants for natural healing for us man to discover. And thanks to modern technology we dont need to go to the forest or jungle anymore to gather this herbs. Natures Way the leading manufacturer of herbal medicine encapsulated these various herbs with healing properties.

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